Sunday, 19 February 2017

Author Visits: Highfield Primary

I'd like to say a very big thank you to David Wilson and Poet In Residence Cheryl Moskowitz for inviting me to Highfield Primary School, and an even bigger thank you to all the fantastic young readers I met there when I visited last month!

It was a pleasure to talk to Years 6, 5, 4 and 3 about writing and books, and it was inspiring for me as a writer to see the huge enthusiasm for reading in this school.  Quite a lot of them had read Varjak Paw already, and so they had some brilliant questions for me!

Three of the students – Mark, Lewis and Samir (in the photo with me above) – had even written a poem about Varjak Paw!  I was delighted when they gave me a copy, and I'm honoured to post it here.

If anyone from Highfield would like to ask me any more questions, or to say anything about the visit or my books – just leave me a comment below!

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