Wednesday 22 April 2020

Reading Aloud During School Closures

Since the UK school closures, I've been getting messages from teachers asking if it's all right to read my books aloud online to their classes.  I am very happy to give my permission for teachers to do this – in fact, I think it's vital that we continue to read aloud at this time, and I'm honoured if people want to read my books!

My publishers have also given their permission for this to happen, and they have put some guidelines up here:

Happy reading everyone!


Mr Spring said...


Thanks for pointing us in the direction of how to read during the closures.

Really appreciated.

I'm a Y3 teacher in Birmingham. We'd been loving Varjak before the break and the permission has allowed us to continue.

A wonderful writer in my class has run with the book, and written a Varjak newsletter.

Would it be possible to send it to you?

Many thanks

Mr Spring - Brookvale Primary

SF Said said...

Dear Mr Spring,

Thank you so much for your comment, and for reading Varjak Paw with Y3! Please say hello to them for me, and tell them to keep the Way alive! And please wish everyone at Brookvale Primary HAPPY READING from me!

I would love to see your writer's Varjak newsletter – you can tweet it to me here:

Thanks again, and all the best,

Anonymous said...

Hi sf said
You are my favriout author and I hope when COVID has calmed down you can visit are school it is called Buckingham park ce primary school of alsberry

From one of your biggest fan chloe

SF Said said...

Dear Chloe,

Thank you so much for your message! That really means a lot to me.

I hope that when things are back to normal, I'll be able to visit your school - just ask your teacher to leave me a message on my author visits page.

In the meantime, here's a link to something you might enjoy - an online event I did for Barnes Children's Literature Festival, where I said a lot of things I normally say on school visits!

Thanks again, and best wishes,
SF Said